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Negotiate Good, Negotiate Well

1.ª Edición
8448625404 · 9788448625405
This is a book to invite you to be more ambitious in your daily attempts to resolve problems or make decisions when you can´t do so by yourself. Whenever you need the cooperation of others to obtain what you want or need, negotiation becomes the mos… Leer más
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Introduction. A way of life
SECTION I. PREPARING TO NEGOTIATE: SITUATION AND PROCESS. 1. The Negotiation Challenge. 2. Determining Expectations. 3. Negotiation Preparation. 4. Negotiation Process: Initiation. 5. Framing. 6. Offers and concessions. 7. Closing the Negotiation. 8. Six Tenets of Ambidexterity. 
SECTION II. NEGOTIATION IN SPECIAL CONTEXTS. 9. Negotiating in a Team. 10. Multiparty Negotiation. 11. Negotiating in Dire Straits. 12. Negotiating Across Cultures. 13. Negotiating Your Job Offer. 14. Negotiating in a Virtual World. 15. A Peep into the Future: Automated Negotiations. 
SECTION III. CASES AND SELF-PRACTICE. Case 1. Bagheera. Case 2. Kushphal Conundrum. Case 3. The Apartment. Case 4. Style Biz. Case 5. Continental Insurance versus Alpaca Hotels. Case 6. Yaris versus Zilan.
Epilogue: Never stop learning.
Bibliography and intellectual influences

This is a book to invite you to be more ambitious in your daily attempts to resolve problems or make decisions when you can´t do so by yourself. Whenever you need the cooperation of others to obtain what you want or need, negotiation becomes the most effective tool and very often the shortest path to do it. The dichotomy is only theoretical, because, negotiating good, effectively, demands negotiating well, efficiently.

The authors offer their intensive research, together with their teaching experience and extensive practice under a rich array of circumstances over the last thirty years in the field of negotiation. Like Ariadne in Crete, the reader who wishes to become an effective negotiator might find some efficient and effective clues to get what they need, and even more.

Welcome to the journey!

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Negotiate Good, Negotiate Well

ISBN10: 8448625404 | ISBN13: 9788448625405

26,78 €
25,44 €

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Negotiate Good, Negotiate Well (VS)

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